Thursday, April 5, 2012

Post # 10 Do You Teach Or Do You Educate

Wow! What an amazing message.

My thoughts:
After watching this video, it really caused me to think about the impact I intended to have in the classroom.
I concluded after watching this video that: A teacher is a person who has the same effect as talking to an empty chair. Often times a teacher talks to or talks at his or her students, rather than talking with. A teacher delivers information without receiving very little feedback.
An educator, on the other hand, engages the mind, instills knowledge, communicates with the student, and leaves a lasting impression.
A Teacher prepares the student for the Educator creates the future.

I vow to be an Educator


  1. What about Part 2?

    You have no picture nor do you have links.


    1. I believe part 2 was " Don't let them take the pencils home" by Tom Johnson.
      Although it was submitted on a separate post, it is there.
      Cynthia Arrington

  2. I think you did an alright job. Could be a lot better and you need working links and a picture. Try and put more work into your next one.
