Thursday, April 5, 2012

Post# 10 Don't Let Them Take The Pencils Home by Tom Johnson

Mr. Johnson's argument was actually a counter towards the idea that students who use pencil's at home have lower standardized test scores. Due to his opposition against standardized testing, he argued that students and their parents of low income status, are unaware of what a pencil should be used for. They have a misconception that pencils are something to play with;a toy.

Mr. Johnson developed a workshop (Parent Pencil Program)with the parents to teach them the same pencil skills their children are taught in school. The argument was made that there wasn't a measure of accountability. Mr. Johnson conceded but countered by explaining he uses no measures for accountability but instead assigns projects of interest. He further suggested that whatever the students did with the pencils outside of his project could possibly involve a learning process, something that we as teachers are probably unaware of.

My thoughts:
After reading this post several times, I am assuming that "the pencils" is the use of technology. A laptop or I-Pad maybe?....I'm asking.

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